Herzlich Willkommen!

cropped-4a813f18-8a71-470f-b8a4-956e5d69e9ea-1.jpegHave you ever considered exposing your child to a foreign language and culture?  Do you often think about how to provide your child with new opportunities to expand their education outside of school hours but don’t know where to begin?

Look no further!  German Kinderland is an interactive play and learn class based in Alexandria, Virginia for children aged 4 1/2 – 8 1/2 years old.

Through educational exploration of all things German, your child will learn valuable vocabulary and phrases synonymous with Kindergarten & Elementary.  Complete with games, movement, songs and crafts, German Kinderland is the perfect extra curricular activity hosted by a native German speaker and founder, Suzi O.

For more information about our seasonal schedule and to learn more about Suzi, please visit our About page!

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